Refer to :

I made this piece of code because those redux libraries just don’t support .NET 2.0. If you are in the same situation as I was, this piece of code might shed some light on your project.

If you don’t know what Redux is ? Educate yourself with, Yes! originally it was designed for javascript web development. Many people found this too good to be kept only in the js world, including me.

I don’t intend for this to be a full-fledged redux library, I developed this just for a proof of concept that redux is really compatible with .NET 2.0. Feel free tailor the code to suit your need :D

What’s included

  1. Libs
    1. class Act, every action should extend this class
    2. class State, every state should extend this class
    3. class Store, every store should extend this class
    4. class Reducer, every reducer should extend this class
      • each methods in classes extending this class, should be Reducer functions in the form of public <StateClass> Reduce(<StateClass> s, <ActClass> act) {..}
    5. class ReduceRunner, create an instance of this class and use it to run reduce functions (keeping the program responsive while reducing).
  2. Examples
    1. Calculator program
    2. GUI Calculator program



This should be an oversimplified calculator application supporting only a plus operation, and have no UI, just for demonstration purposes.

All the actions for this application are defined in the file calculator/act.cs

public class ActPlus : Act { public int a; public int b; }
public class ActClear : Act { }

And now our state calculator/state.cs

public class CalculatorState : State<CalculatorState>
    public bool has_result = false;
    public int result;

Reducer functions should be defined in calculator/reducer.cs

public class CalculatorReducer : Reducer<CalculatorState, CalculatorStore>
    public CalculatorReducer(CalculatorStore store) : base(store)

    public CalculatorState Reduce(CalculatorState s, ActClear act)
        s = s.Clone();
        s.has_result = false;
        s.result = default(int);
        return s;

    public CalculatorState Reduce(CalculatorState s, ActPlus act)
        s = s.Clone();
        s.has_result = true;
        s.result = act.a + act.b;
        return s;

The store is in calculator/store.cs

public class CalculatorStore : Store<CalculatorState, CalculatorStore, CalculatorReducer, CalculatorStore>
    public CalculatorStore(ReduceRunner runner) : base(runner)

    public override void Dispose()
        // nothing to get rid of

    public override bool IsLoading()
        // we don't use this feature yet
        return false;

    public ManualResetEvent Plus(int a, int b)
        return Dispatch(new ActPlus { a = a, b = b });

    public ManualResetEvent Clear()
        return Dispatch(new ActClear());


file calculator/god.cs, everything combined here.

public class God
    public CalculatorStore store;
    ReduceRunner runner;
    public God()
        // create a reducer runner, and set it run
        runner = new ReduceRunner();
        store = new CalculatorStore(runner);
        runner.SetUp(store.InvokeReduce, ReduceEnd);

    public void ReduceEnd()
        // everytime reduce finishes this runs
        Console.WriteLine("reduce end");
        store.GetState().Dump(); // dumping state to the stdout

file Program.cs, as of C# .NET program everything starts here.

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        God god = new God();, 2).WaitOne(); // waits until this action is reduced;

And here is the output

enqueing action: calculator.ActPlus
reducing: calculator.ActPlus
reduce end
has_result:True; result:3;

enqueing action: calculator.ActClear
reducing: calculator.ActClear
reduce end
has_result:False; result:0;

We can see that the state changes according to an action being reduced. If you are looking for a more realistic application, such as a GUI one, you are free to dig deeper to the gui-example included in this repo!