I have a fast-computer at home which I don’t use it as often as my laptop. I intentionally bought it for computation-intensive tasks. But running an arbitrary script on a remote host is always a hassle, never was smooth.

Now, this is an attempt to acquire the smoothness we all deserve!


I will just copy and paste the readme here (it also provides an example so you will have a better idea of how this will help improve your daily life):


Run a docker command, tracking progress, sync results and manage, all of these in one simple cli.


  1. Unix based OS (I suspect that some portion of the code is not os independent)
  2. rsync, which should be ubiquitous among that kind of OSes.
  3. Python 3, I just didn’t test on Python 2 and even it works it’s not gonna be without a glitch.

If you’re quilified …

pip install remote-docker


It’s easier to give a realistic use case, let’s say we have arranged our project (python) as follows:

- src
	- __init__.py
	- __main__.py
	- lib
		- ...
- Dockerfile
  1. Declare the running environment in a Dockerfile (in the same directory at which the cli will be run, basically, the same as your source directory).

    e.g. Dockerfile -> FROM python:3

  2. Run using run command in the form rdocker run --tag=<jobname> --host=<user@host> --path=<host_path> <command> <args...>. In this very case, we will use rdocker run --tag=test --host=some@host --path=/tmp/myproject python -u -m src. What it really does is:
    1. Sync (using rsync) the source code to the remote host, in this case, whole directory of project_root will be copied to the directory /tmp/myproject of the host, well there is some exceptions though you can define it using .remotedignore, which automatically initiated during the invocation of rdocker.
    2. Build, the Dockerfile will be built under docker build -t <jobname>. By the way, you can have a docker executable of your choice! e.g. nvidia-docker all you need do is to state --docker=nvidia-docker in the run command.
    3. Run, the designated command will be run inside a newly hatched container under the detach mode i.e. you don’t have to be there and wait the process to finish.
    4. Log, all the output from that container will be live fed to your console, closing now won’t budge the running container a bit.
    5. Sync Back, after the process in done, all the changes on the remote dirtory will be synced back to your computer’s project_root, don’t fear it will destroy your new changes, it will only make change to old files. (rsync -u)
  3. Close your laptop and go to sleep, next day morning run rdocker run or rdocker run --tag=test you will see the progress, and if it’s done you will get your results right back to your laptop.

Note: please see --help for the deeper use of the cli.